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  • 06/25/2018 10:17 AM | Anonymous


    Beth Bryce, a former WIL member who recently moved out of state to pursue her dream, award-winning Career Strategist & Transformation Coach, and Founder of her own career coaching company and Daring Circle Ranch, commented on our blog post about last year's Vision Board party. It was such a great comment that I wanted to share it with you! Here's what she said:

    "It was an incredible evening that set the intention for my 2017 goals that all came true! I am now living in my new home in New Mexico! Wishing you all a fabulous 2018 kick off. Here are 12 questions to help you honor 2017 first (journal away) and possibly gain clarity on your theme for the New Year:

    1. What did you enjoy doing this year?
    2. What are you grateful for?
    3. Who are you grateful for?
    4. What is your biggest win this year?
    5. What did you read, watch and listen to that made the most impact for you?
    6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
    7. What was your biggest regret and why?
    8. What is one thing that changed about yourself?
    9. What most surprised you this year?
    10. If you can go back to January 1 what suggestion would you give your past self?
    11. What makes this year unforgettable?
    12. What new thing did you learn and do this year?"

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Women in Leadership 
Great Lakes Bay Region

PO Box 6717
Saginaw, MI 48608


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